AI.Exhibits for your events

You are looking for interactive exhibits related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) for a larger event, trade fair or campaign week? KI.NRW supports your efforts to inform about AI application possibilities or to bring Artificial Intelligence to life. Our AI.Exhibits also illustrate the added value that AI provides, for instance regarding sustainability aspects. For this purpose, you can borrow the exhibits, which are in use throughout North Rhine-Westphalia.

EXHIBIT 1: Experience Artificial Intelligence in Augmented Reality

The AI.Worlds on the Augmented Reality (AR) table: The AI.Worlds are an exploratory landscape for anyone who wants to learn more about AI in a playful way. This unique AR exhibit creates a comprehensive overview of the possible applications of AI in private and professional contexts. The AR table impresses with Augmented Reality: Use iPads to immerse yourself in the AI.Worlds.

EXHIBIT 1 dimensions (W x H x L): 1.00 x 1.00 x 1.30 m

EXHIBIT 2-4: Artificial Intelligence on the touch table

The AI.Map touch table: Explore the North Rhine-Westphalian AI ecosystem via our large touch screen: With over 1000 entries, the AI.Map provides a broad overview of the AI location NRW and creates visibility for AI experts from business, science, and research.

The AI.Showroom touch table: Anyone who wants to try out Artificial Intelligence for themselves can experience AI solutions »in action« in the virtual AI.Showroom. Short explanations and multimedia content contribute to a better understanding of AI methods and provide an overview of the current state of technology.

The AI.Worlds touch table: The AI.Worlds can also be explored via a large-format touchscreen: In a virtual environment, users can navigate through various topic areas and AI focal points and learn about the variety of AI systems in practical use. There are three accessible worlds: »Company«, »Home«, and »Hospital«.

EXHIBIT 2-4 dimensions (W x H x L): 1.10 x 1.20 x 1.70 m

Who is the offer intended for?

We want to reach as many people as possible regarding the topics of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning or Deep Learning, inform them about use cases and demonstrate AI live and in action. Therefore, basically all activities with a large audience will be considered. However, we will check the content of the event, the time frame, and of course the availability of our exhibits in advance.

What costs are associated with the rental?

There is no charge. We will also take care of the transport, assembly, and disassembly of the exhibits for you. As a borrower you take care that the exhibits are looked after by a person instructed by us during the exhibition period and that they do not get damaged.

The benefits of the KI.NRW exhibits at a glance

The exhibits can be used intuitively, and the information is presented in a way that is easy to understand. Prior knowledge of AI is not necessary.

We provide information without bias towards products or manufacturers.

Depending on the target group or exhibition location, different exhibits may be considered. We are happy to advise you.

As an offer from KI.NRW, the use of an exhibit does not involve any costs for you.

Get in touch with us!

Transfer Management

Fynn Koretz
Transfer Management
Competence Platform KI.NRW
Phone 02241 14-2977

Request AI.Exhibit now

Are you interested in one of our AI.Exhibits for your next event? In that case, get in touch with us now. We are looking forward to your request.